Croissant 🥐

Croissants or also called “cornetti” are the typical breakfast of my country, Italy❤️
The typical italian wakes up in the morning and goes to have breakfast at the usual bar with cornetto e cappuccino.

The name of this specialty derives from its shape reminiscent of two small horns.
 The croissant can be empty or stuffed.  Among the possible fillings we find jam, cream, chocolate and honey, as well as cheese and salami in the savory versions.

Since my father loves to eat cornetti for breakfast, I tried to cook them at home and today I want to share with you this quick and tasty recipe.

Croissants fulled with apricot jam 🥐

Ingredients for 1kg:

200 g Milk
500g flour
2 eggs
100g butter
100g sugar
A cube of yeast

To brush:

A yolk 


Dissolve the yeast in a cup of warm milk.
In a mixer add all the ingredients and knead until a soft and workable dough is obtained.
Transfer the impact to a bowl and let it rise for at least an hour.
Roll out the dough into a thin sheet and make many triangles.
Fill the pastry to taste and roll it up to form croissants and arrange them on a baking tray covered with baking paper.
Let rise another hour.
Brush the cornetti with a beaten yolk.
Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Traduzione in italiano 

Ingredienti per 1 kg:

 200 g di latte
 500 g di farina
 2 uova
 100 g di burro
 100 g di zucchero
 Un cubetto di lievito

 Per spennellare

 Un tuorlo


 Sciogli il lievito in una tazza di latte caldo.
 In un mixer aggiungere tutti gli ingredienti e impastare fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido e lavorabile.
 Trasferisci l'impasto in una ciotola e lascialo lievitare per almeno un'ora.
 Stendi la pasta e crea dei triangoli.
 Guarnisci la sfoglia a piacere e arrotolala per formare i croissant.
Disponi i cornetti  su una teglia ricoperta da carta da forno.
 Lasciala lievitare un'altra ora.
 Spennella i cornetti con un tuorlo sbattuto.

 Cuoci in forno a 180 ° per 25 minuti.


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