Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola✨🥜🌰

Are you crazy about the milk and cereals combo?
Here is the healthy and delicious recipe for you!

The origin of Granola:

Granola is a breakfast food consisting of oats, nuts, honey or others sweeteners and sometimes puffed rice , that is usually baked until it is crisp, toasted and golden brown.
Granola was “invented” in the 1870s by Dr. John Kellogg. Dr. Kellogg ran a famous sanitarium to which patrons came to practice healthy living. Among his recommendations was that food be prepared the old-fashioned way, with whole grains. Whole-grain bread was baked in large ovens located right on the grounds of the sanitarium. Dr. Kellogg realized that large amounts of waste were being generated in the form of the crumbs that fell to the bottom of the ovens.  He realized that he could collect these crumbs and place them in bowls to be served for breakfast. He called his invention “granula.”

I have always preferred homemade foods over those full of preservatives and other chemical products; that’s way I created this recipe.


10g grated coconut 
10g flax seeds 
30g almonds 
10g pumpkim/sunflower seeds 
20g buckwheat 
10g oat flakes 
2 dates 
10 ml Honey/agave syrup


Blend every ingredient but without reducing it to powder.
Mix the dough with the honey or agave syrup.
Bake it at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Traduzione in Italiano:


 10 g di cocco rapé
 10 g di semi di lino
 30 g di mandorle
 10 g di semi di girasole / zucca
 20g di grano saraceno
 10 g di fiocchi d'avena
 2 datteri
 10 ml di sciroppo di miele / agave


 Frullare ogni ingrediente ma senza ridurlo in polvere.
 Mescolare l'impasto con il miele o lo sciroppo d'agave.

 Cuocerlo in forno a 180 ° per 15 minuti.


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