Pan brioche🍞

Pan brioche 🍞

Good morning with my soft, light and natural pan brioche🍞✨
It can be eaten plain or with a filling, jam, Nutella or whatever and it is perfect for everyone, adults and children.
It is perfect both for those who love salty and for those who love sweet, and it is a healthy and natural alternative to bread full of preservatives that we buy at the supermarket.
It is really quick to prepare and you will need very few elements👌🏼


250g Milk
A cube of yeast
1 egg
550g flour
10g sugar
60g extra virgin Olive oil
10g Salz

To brush it:

A yolk/milk


Dissolve the yeast in a cup with the warm milk.
In a mixer add all the ingredients and knead until a soft and workable dough is obtained.
Transfer it to a bowl and let it rise for at least one hour.
Roll out the dough and shape it in a rectangle of the same width as the plumcake mold you have available.
Brush it with the milk and bake it for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

How it looks inside😍

Ricetta in Italiano:


 250 g di latte
 Un cubetto di lievito
 1 uovo
 550 g di farina
 10 g di zucchero
 60g di olio extra vergine di oliva
 10g Sale

 Per spazzolarlo:

 Un tuorlo / latte


 Sciogliete il lievito in una tazza con il latte caldo.
 In un mixer aggiungere tutti gli ingredienti e impastate fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido e lavorabile.
 Trasferitelo in una ciotola e lasciatelo lievitare per almeno un'ora.
 Stendete la pasta e modellatela in un rettangolo della stessa larghezza dello stampo per plumcake che avete a disposizione.
 Spennellatelo con il latte e infornalo per 30 minuti a 180 °.


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